RTBF – Studio JT & Medias
Following VRT, AV GROUP now also won the contract to convert the TV studio from RTBF into a full LCD/LED studio using equipment from Planar / Leyard.
RTBF has been working on this for a very long time and the innovation has been preceded by many internal discussions and studies of the technology to be used.
During the evaluation phase, RTBF decided to invite the different bidders to present their solution. There was no doubt that the solution we provided offered them the best picture quality and reliability amongst all the others.
Another challenge we had to face with was the short installation time. We only had 8 weeks last summer to install the mechanical structures and the actual LCD and LED panels/ videowalls.
In contrast to the previous set, all editions of “Le Journal” will now have a specific color. In addition, the images during the news will play a more prominent role and graphics will be used.
“A lot of people get news all day long. Le JT at 1 pm – and especially at 7.30 pm – should add something to that. There will be more reports and experience, but in addition we will continue to focus on explanations in the studio, we want people to understand things
The TV studio also includes a robotics camera system on a rail in the center providing remote movement for both sets, Media and JT.
AV Group is proud of the end result and wishes RTBF much pleasure with their new installation.
https://www.rtbf.be/info/medias/detail_le-jt-fait-peau-neuve?id=10009411 (c’est un clip qui montre la construction complete de 0 à 100%)
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